quarta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2014

Prof Green eco 

Pergunta por pergunta

Pergunta #1
Entrepreneur is one who understand apportunity about something new or discovered such as a new product or machine, but with this alone can not be considered so if then he was not also sucessful to use various ways to exploit or develop them, thus producing a wide range of . Here the author use the word the effects to mean only about technology innovation, economical viability , environmental impacts and Social justice as benefits or all these togother? 
1. technology innovatio  
2. economical viability   
3. environmental impacts  
4. Social justice   
5. ALL  (resposta correta) 
the effects can be chain reactions from samll thing 
Research Group ,GPEC, Coordinator Computer aided  Cost engineering
DEQ – Departamento de Engenharia Química
CT – Centro de Tecnologia / UFRN, Lagoa Nova – Natal/RN
Campus Universitário. CEP: 59.072-970;North East,Brazil

Recent web home page :http://greentechvision.snack.ws/
Project, Projetos: https://sites.google.com/a/biomassa.eq.ufrn.br/sites/
Newsletters, Jornal: http://storify.com/ufrngpec 
Web On line  simulation and modeling of ecobusiness,
Espaço Simulação e Modelagem de Econegócios on line http://rizzoma.com/topic/39080026fabcc04f140acb7d294d62e1/ 
Twitter and  Skype :@ufrngpec
Fone ;Office,84 3215-3769 ,  Ramal 210 e Home : 84 3217-1557 
and Mobile :5584 9954 8770
Office email:gpecufrn@biomassa.eq.ufrn.br

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