Research Group ,GPEC, Coordinator Computer aided Cost engineering
DEQ – Departamento de Engenharia Química
CT – Centro de Tecnologia / UFRN, Lagoa Nova – Natal/RN
Campus Universitário. CEP: 59.072-970;North East,Brazil
Research Group ,GPEC, Coordinator Computer aided Cost engineering
DEQ – Departamento de Engenharia Química
CT – Centro de Tecnologia / UFRN, Lagoa Nova – Natal/RN
Campus Universitário. CEP: 59.072-970;North East,Brazil
Recent web home page :http://greentechvision.snack.ws/
Project, Projetos: https://sites.google.com/a/biomassa.eq.ufrn.br/sites/
Wiki journal :http://ecosyseng.wetpaint.com/
Blog Project, Projetos: http://cleantechproducts.blogspot.com.br/
Blog Project, Projetos: http://cleantechproducts.blogspot.com.br/
Newsletters, Jornal: http://storify.com/ufrngpec
Web On line simulation and modeling of ecobusiness,
Espaço Simulação e Modelagem de Econegócios on line http://rizzoma.com/topic/39080026fabcc04f140acb7d294d62e1/
Twitter and Skype :@ufrngpec
Fone ;Office,84 3215-3769 , Ramal 210 e Home : 84 3217-1557
and Mobile :5584 9954 8770
Office email:gpecufrn@biomassa.eq.ufrn.br
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erin Rasmussen <erin@trmiles.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Gasification] Chunking wood for small scale biochar production,fotos !
To: "Energies Naturals C.B." <energiesnaturals@gmx.de>, gasification@lists.bioenergylists.org
Cc: Discussion of biomass pyrolysis and gasification <gasification@lists.bioenergylists.org>
Rolf's previous photos of the Jensen woodchoppers are here:
- Erin Rasmussen
-----Original Message-----
From: Energies Naturals C.B. [mailto:energiesnaturals@gmx.de]
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 8:34 AM
To: gasification@lists.bioenergylists.org
Cc: energiesnaturals; Discussion of biomass pyrolysis and gasification
Subject: Chunking wood for small scale biochar production, fotos !
On Thu, 02 Jan 2014 01:43:37 +0100
energiesnaturals <energiesnaturals@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hello chunkers,
> For small manual chunking devices I cannot help much, but I see that there
is also some interest in more mecanized solutions.
> At least in Europe you can still find many of the old Jensen woodchoppers
with 6 and 12 cm long chunks produced and up to15 cm diameter.
> I remember putting a series of fotos on the list some years ago,
> perhaps on the bioenergy list.
> Have a good year!
> Rolf
> Enviado desde Samsung tabletDavid Coote <dccoote@mira.net> escribió:An
> inexpensive tool to chunk efficiently wood for small scale biochar
> production would be very handy. I have loads of waste woody biomass on
> my farm. There's no community scale biomass energy plants in the
> northern hemisphere sense in Gippsland (SE corner of Australia) so no
> local markets of this nature for the material. This may change in the
> next few years but in the interim I'd like to make some char as a
> weekend project. One of my nephews is a qualified boiler maker with
> tickets for various specialist welding techniques. He's interested in
> building a small char system. This would probably be similar to the
> popular 44 gallon drum with internal retort (so an indirect
> implementation) but using a better quality steel so a bit longer
> lasting. And we'll lag the drum, put a safety enclosure around it and so
> One of the challenges of trying to do this beyond a hobby approach is
> chunking the material to be used for combustion and char. I haven't
> got time to lovingly handcarve the feedstock into the appropriate size
> and form. Using an axe, saw, firewood splitter, bypass pruners would
> all be possible for different sized feedstocks (windthrow, prunings,
> thinnings, harvest residue etc) albeit labour intensive. Something
> like an old chaff cutter would be very useful for some feedstocks. I
> think there are some commercial chunkers that would do what I want but
> they are prohibitively expensive
> David
> _______________________________________________
> Gasification mailing list
> to Send a Message to the list, use the email address
> Gasification@bioenergylists.org
> to UNSUBSCRIBE or Change your List Settings use the web page
> http://lists.bioenergylists.org/mailman/listinfo/gasification_lists.bi
> oenergylists.org
> for more Gasifiers, News and Information see our web site:
> http://gasifiers.bioenergylists.org/
Gasification mailing list
to Send a Message to the list, use the email address
to UNSUBSCRIBE or Change your List Settings use the web page
for more Gasifiers, News and Information see our web site:
From: Erin Rasmussen <erin@trmiles.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Gasification] Chunking wood for small scale biochar production,fotos !
To: "Energies Naturals C.B." <energiesnaturals@gmx.de>, gasification@lists.bioenergylists.org
Cc: Discussion of biomass pyrolysis and gasification <gasification@lists.bioenergylists.org>
Rolf's previous photos of the Jensen woodchoppers are here:
- Erin Rasmussen
-----Original Message-----
From: Energies Naturals C.B. [mailto:energiesnaturals@gmx.de]
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 8:34 AM
To: gasification@lists.bioenergylists.org
Cc: energiesnaturals; Discussion of biomass pyrolysis and gasification
Subject: Chunking wood for small scale biochar production, fotos !
On Thu, 02 Jan 2014 01:43:37 +0100
energiesnaturals <energiesnaturals@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hello chunkers,
> For small manual chunking devices I cannot help much, but I see that there
is also some interest in more mecanized solutions.
> At least in Europe you can still find many of the old Jensen woodchoppers
with 6 and 12 cm long chunks produced and up to15 cm diameter.
> I remember putting a series of fotos on the list some years ago,
> perhaps on the bioenergy list.
> Have a good year!
> Rolf
> Enviado desde Samsung tabletDavid Coote <dccoote@mira.net> escribió:An
> inexpensive tool to chunk efficiently wood for small scale biochar
> production would be very handy. I have loads of waste woody biomass on
> my farm. There's no community scale biomass energy plants in the
> northern hemisphere sense in Gippsland (SE corner of Australia) so no
> local markets of this nature for the material. This may change in the
> next few years but in the interim I'd like to make some char as a
> weekend project. One of my nephews is a qualified boiler maker with
> tickets for various specialist welding techniques. He's interested in
> building a small char system. This would probably be similar to the
> popular 44 gallon drum with internal retort (so an indirect
> implementation) but using a better quality steel so a bit longer
> lasting. And we'll lag the drum, put a safety enclosure around it and so
> One of the challenges of trying to do this beyond a hobby approach is
> chunking the material to be used for combustion and char. I haven't
> got time to lovingly handcarve the feedstock into the appropriate size
> and form. Using an axe, saw, firewood splitter, bypass pruners would
> all be possible for different sized feedstocks (windthrow, prunings,
> thinnings, harvest residue etc) albeit labour intensive. Something
> like an old chaff cutter would be very useful for some feedstocks. I
> think there are some commercial chunkers that would do what I want but
> they are prohibitively expensive
> David
> _______________________________________________
> Gasification mailing list
> to Send a Message to the list, use the email address
> Gasification@bioenergylists.org
> to UNSUBSCRIBE or Change your List Settings use the web page
> http://lists.bioenergylists.org/mailman/listinfo/gasification_lists.bi
> oenergylists.org
> for more Gasifiers, News and Information see our web site:
> http://gasifiers.bioenergylists.org/
Gasification mailing list
to Send a Message to the list, use the email address
to UNSUBSCRIBE or Change your List Settings use the web page
for more Gasifiers, News and Information see our web site:
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