PP Bio
Analysis of the problem
The characteristics and problems of the semi-arid northeast region are known with much sun, wind, fertile land, but dry, with excess brackish water, with few productive and economically viable crops, generating poverty.
Seaweed and algae are aquatic plants that live in seawater, freshwater or brackish, that perform photosynthesis, capture CO2 from the atmosphere, consume mineral water and generate organic material.
Saline ponds and wells drilled resulting brackish water is abundant in much of the Northeast, which, with some planting techniques algae could yield high growth, with only the addition of the missing salts in it.
The CO2 and CH4 gases are the problem for the issue of global warming, however CH4 is a fuel with high calorific value and easy to use on vehicles and technology already developed.
Interior regions of the hinterland do not yet have distribution of natural gas vehicles because the pipe network is extremely expensive to meet a wide region of low purchasing power. Similarly, electrical energy (Eco) clean source is something desirable and strategic to the country
Hundreds of organic wastes ranging from urban and agro-industrial wastes to materials such as leaves and fruit crops rotting in the environment basically generating CO2 and CH4 gases, our villains of global warming.
Algae and microalgae essential oils for the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry are extracted, depending on the species, and also has an organic byproduct for in a digester, to generate biogas (a mixture of CO2 and CH4).
Currently, ninety percent of cashew plantations are not enjoying the peduncle (the edible part), which could be used for extraction of cashew and essences and concentrated, with the remaining material could also be used to produce biogas.
The Sol can be used for heating processes for extracting oil and for Desalination part of the process water without the need for burning organic fuel production by increasing the energy efficiency of the system.
microalgae grown without major criteria and if there is fresh water nearby, serve as breeding fish in small tanks.
Many oils from algae are high price in domestic and international markets, such as the Beta Carotene with high antioxidant, vitamin B-12 and other power. The cultivation of microalgae is something widely studied outside of Brazil and by Brazilian universities, but there is not a creation of industrial form in full and semi-arid, but there are already plans for extracting oil with biodiesel production in Patagonia - Argentina and the USA. (More details on item Innovation).
Comparing the cultivation of algae with the production of castor verified that the initial investment for the preparation of the establishment of algae is higher, however, algae require from twelve to fifty times less than the cultivation area for planting castor-oil creation begins production only days after planting and there is a turnover of carbon credits, which makes the process of growing algae economically more interesting.
Moreover, gases generated in a digester can be separated through a scrubbing tower, where CO2 is separated from CH4. The CH4 can be used to generate electricity by burning in a boiler or power generator, as well as compressed and sent to be used as a vehicle biogas. CO2 returns to the creation of algae, increasing the growth rate thereof. This process ensures that there is the release of these two greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
This process, with the creation of algae and digestion, could be built next to thermoelectric, which would produce environmentally friendly energy.
The planting of castor for biodiesel production has a high social and environmental interest, but economically problematic when compared to the price of petroleum diesel, however, when using the stems and leaves for biogas generation, separating the CO2 generated in the digester and sending as a nutrient for the creation of algae, the system becomes economically viable.
It is estimated there are more than 100,000 species of algae on earth, with a multitude of possible statements, yet unknown man, that could be applied to medicine, cosmetic, food industry and chemical industry. Find the best species of algae adapted to the interior, with high added value in their statements is one of the goals of this development, as well as improved efficiency in creation.
In the value chain of cashew found a tailing Almond Chestnut currently used for animal feed, low cost, and could be used for the extraction of noble oil waste with subsequent feeding of animals using the droppings of the same for the digestion, adding value to the chain with oil extraction.
Synergy processes of growing algae, digestion, gas separation, extraction of essential oils and viability of carbon sequestration is the focus of our research with real application in the backcountry.
Certain microalgae are made up to 80% of their body weight oils, which are high value in the international market, other high algae oil production may be included in the biodiesel production chain, leaving developing species adapted to the region and the appropriate extraction method for the same .
Benefits and Products
- Generation of special oils for food ingredients, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals with high added value;
- Generation of oil for trasesterificação (manufacturing digester);
- treatment of organic waste from municipal waste, industrial, agribusiness, transforming CO2 useful for the growth of algae and CH4 for energy and environmentally friendly fuel;
- Production of organic fertilizers for multiple purposes from digestion;
- Carbon sequestration in various points of the process, such as the absorption of CO2 for increased rate of growth of microalgae, no release of CH4 to the atmosphere, generating clean electricity, recycling of organic waste;
- Generating new knowledge on a new chain, praising man, the earth, and the environment;
- New supply chain enabling the attachment of man to earth.
When assessing the costs of production of castor oil, it appears that there is no profitability, priority investment focus, requiring incentives.
Assessing the profitability of the digestion process aside, is not the desired profitability. But when you combine the three processes that are source of cheap organic material, digestion, gas separation system, creating and algae oil extraction process, the results of profitability become different and interesting investment.
The digestion is a biochemical process where organic no commercial value, such as materials: leaves, animal manure solids wastewater treatment and agro industrial wastes can be digested generating on average 4% of the original mass biogas having 60% CH4, 38% CO2 for the remainder of H2S, with the remainder of the original mass organic fertilizer.
In gas separation tower is introduced into biogas and the lower bound come into contract with countercurrent water, that under certain conditions absorbs CO2 detriment of CH4, which exits the top of the tower. The CH4 is then treated and used in compression for vehicular or biogas used for electricity generation.
CO2 is used in solution with a nutrient creating algae by mixing the creation disperser designed for this purpose.
When creating algae, algae consume CO2, carbon source, and have an average of 22% carbon its composition, and for each pound of live algae created is absorbed approximately 0.8 kg or more of CO2, 0.6 kg O2 releasing to the atmosphere, where from 30 to 80% of living mass becomes oils, depending on the type of algae, which can be separated from the assets of greater value. The remaining organic material algae can be used as animal feed, return to the digestion or sun-dried, used as food or feed additive.
The rate of growth of algae without forced addition (only absorbed from the atmosphere) are, on average, 18 to 25 g / m² / day, which may be increased to 32g / m / day with forced addition of CO2. For example, in a hectare of planting we algae algae production an average of 5.5 tons / month of dried seaweed, generating 2.5 tons of essential oils with 40% considering algae oil, but it can get up to 80 %, absorbing CO2 4.4 ton, 3.3 ton releasing oxygen atmosphere to produce 3.3 tons of organic material in the digester, if not used for animal feed, would generate 3 tons of organic fertilizers, generating 50 kg of CO2 and 80 Nm ³ CH4 gas. It is noteworthy that exemplify with smaller numbers, ie, there is much room for the development of the process.
These data are cultivated under laboratory and is necessary a research and development so that it becomes this information to semi-arid. We can see a release on the issue of creation of microalgae extensively on the site " www.claeff.com.br ".
The union of the creation of algae, digester, gas separation and oil extraction system tower systems are described in our process with the generation of various products, adapting the reality of semi-arid, which is the focus of our development where the application of this knowledge in our project will generate the operability of a new supply chain, coming to meet with the greatest environmental, social and energy issues.
Variants of this process are adapted to the inputs of each location, characteristic topography, soil, crop, energy needs and so on.
In this case, the creation of an animal with the use of feces for digestion increases profitability, depending on the input organic supply of it where the goat stands out for weather resistance.
could be seen in the basic flowchart site www.claeff.com.br described in our patent number 220 0703732193 INPI on behalf of Mr. Claudio Truchlaeff.
There is a need to obtain a source of CO2 (4.4 ton / month) from burning with the generation of electricity and heat or by digestion with the generation of CO2 and CH4 to meet the need of creating an algae hectare planted and following CO2 generators can be used:
- Electric generators, 1.33 ton / month of diesel
- generator steam boiler with burning organic material plantation, 2.6 ton pruning branches cashew;
- Gas thermal or cogeneration sugar mills and alcohol, 3.4 ton of straw or leaves.
In the case of boilers and gas-fired power exists the release of heat that can be recovered to generate steam for the process of extracting oils.
Electricity is here considered clean because all the CO2 is absorbed by algae, but in the case of boilers there is a double benefit in terms of carbon emissions, because fuel is plant and the entire issue is absorbed, double carbon credit.
The solid material from the digestion can be sun dried and burned in boilers as an alternative.
May be used as sources of organic materials for digestion to meet the microalgae, animal droppings, remains of pruning or straw plantations, solid material from wastewater treatment or organic remains of the local agricultural industry.
The project aims to deploy in semiarid an alternative production process, patented, to add value to the region, using abundant resources like the sun, dry lands and brackish waters. These factors enable an efficient process for generating essential oils, ingredients for food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, oils for the production of biodiesel, biogas, organic fertilizers, production of clean electricity, using as agribusiness, industrial and urban byproducts matter with the union of four cases in one. These processes are the digester, the cultivation of microalgae, gas separation and extraction of essential oils system process.
Another objective is to create a laboratory research facility and manpower training for the development of simulating industrial scale pilot plant in the northeastern semi-arid region near an agricultural center, aimed at generating technical, operational and productive knowledge and, enable carbon sequestration in various stages of the production process.
Our Infrastructure
Located in rural area near the ecological reserve of Aguas Finas, height 17.5 Km Road Village, with 10000m ², itself, consists of a conservation area with collection of plants native to northeast favorable for agro industrial research processes for planting in small-scale process development and extraction of plant assets, suitable for processes developed as solar heating, biogas generation, solar energy capture area tests etc..
The company has laboratory with microscope for analysis of algae, computers, balances, laboratory analysis equipment, food drying equipment and seeds with solar energy, gas separation equipment for molecular sieve, high pressure reactor for simulating reactions of high pressure, pilot equipment for the extraction of essential oils, shed inventory of materials and equipment. planting of native species in the north and northeast.
For surveys which require more precise analyzes are made agreements with some companies with research and development as the universities of Pernambuco and Ceará, UNIFOR-University of Fortaleza, CEFET - EC among others.
We have two mounting locations and industrial equipment an agreement with the Company Potágua, which has its headquarters and branch units in the hinterland of Ceará, located at Av Ulisses Bezerra 1447 tests - Fortaleza - Ceará and another with the Office of Field: Mayor Street Vicente Veloso, 90 - Russian - EC.
We also deal with Sabara Berachah for running jobs within the unit Itapissuma - EP, near the headquarters of Claeff, which has laboratories, assembly area, sheds, etc..
Algae and microalgae are undoubtedly the most efficient beings on earth to transform solar energy into chemical energy, produce food and are an alternative to the solution of global problems facing humanity as global warming, food shortages and the end of Oil was.
Comparing various methods of energy production from vegetable can observe the disparity between normal crops and cultivation of algae, however, human knowledge in creating algae is still incipient and recent.
In the table below we can see the energy comparison, where the algae were grown in laboratories with their production of oils.
Algae | 6750Librade oil / acre planted 700 Gallons of oil / acre / year
Peanut | 815Librade oil / acre planted 112 gallons of oil / acre / year
Sunflower | 720 Librade oil / acre planted | 99Galões oil / acre / year
Soybeans | 450 Librade oil / acre planted | 62Galões oil / acre / year In this case, because they are not made large plantations of algae in the sea or in extensive ponds currently?
In laboratory conditions for algae growth are ideal with light, temperature, nutrient concentration and mainly control growth of microorganisms that feed on algae.
When the soy or other species are planted are removed from the ground other plants that would prevent proper growth of the same, obtaining a maximum productivity of the culture. In the case of cultivation of microalgae, the separation of unwanted species is difficult to control and recontamination of them is extremely frequent.
We can consider growing algae in laboratories represents an ideal condition for control and prevention of recontamination, where the desired species has no competitors.
The growth rate of algae in the laboratory varies between 22-45 g/m2/day and the first attempts to cultivate extensively did not exceed growth rates 7-12 g / m² / day.
When growing algae from which is extracted essential oils of high value-added economic space there to take proper care, thus minimizing the issue of contamination by other species. But for species whose creations extracted element is low value, like when the purpose is to produce biodiesel, it is necessary the development of cheap and efficient techniques.
For graph (available on the website www.claeff.com.br ) we can understand the difference between creating in the laboratory and extensive.
A difference between the production with special care and extensive management sets a new production chain will exist or not.
In nature we observe cases of red or blue tide, where the uncontrolled proliferation of algae for some imbalance or absence of competitors, which is exactly our goal, extensively create algae absent contestants elements without expensive laboratory care occurs.
The question of fermentation of concentrated sugar cane for ethanol production, Brazil where, after much research and development got the bacteriological control of fermentation, maintaining the efficiency of ethanol production within commercially acceptable limits by controlling the pH , temperature, process, development of antibiotics and bactericides, enabled the the productive chain of the alcohol.
Similarly, the creation of algae occurs where the development of processes, products and living elements that maintain the efficiency of large-scale process are needed.
It should be an intensive research and development to the viability of a new supply chain for Brazil and especially in the Northeast, which has special skills:. Abundant land, sun, salt water and labor More innovation has not knowledge of the practical application of the stem and leaves mamoneiro for biogas generation, the use of CO2 from various sources to create algae and microalgae. Also there is in Brazil, cultivation of microalgae for biodiesel with dissolution of CO2 to increase tack growth thereof or pilot-scale extraction of essential oils from algae or reject the use of microalgae after extraction of active elements the generation of biogas digesters, or even the use of this waste in animal husbandry, with their feces being used to generate environmentally friendly fuel.
The environments used as the waters and brackish lagoons do not have commercial use in a wide area of territory and even to run in ponds, consumption of land is arid regions and low value.
The process has great synergy between its elements, not contaminating the environment, but treating waste and giving prime destination for each element.
This is not an improvement of the process, but rather, the union of four production systems in a single process adapted to the reality of the northeast, not used in the production process, but fully adapted to the reality of semi-arid.
The process described here is applied intensively, amend or contribute to a new energy matrix, except for Brazil, but at least for the vast region.
With the union of bagasse as raw material, waste cashew or even planting castor, where the stem and leaves are completely neglected, can be removed much more energy, enabling economically biodiesel from castor, which today is only feasible with strong fiscal incentive.
It is difficult to measure the impact that this development would cause to the country if implemented intensively involved or what social economic potential. Same volumes of production capacity in this process, in the case of application intensively, no conditions evaluate at the moment, but this does not seem to focus, because the potential is clear, leaving only the application in a real way for the project to be have security of large-scale application.
Even though the process is applied extensively, it is certain that raw materials, energy, food supplies, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, will be absorbed by the global market, as a crisis of raw materials already occurs by increasing population, growth in emerging and declining oil production.
New forms of carbon sequestration are also a global and emerging need, with the first world eager for consistent and feasible projects.
Within this process, then we have the following advantages:
- Use of dry and brackish water of the northeastern semi-arid to produce inputs;
- Double Carbon sequestration, the process of creating algae fermentation and biogas;
Production of carrier gas without impact on global warming;
- Generating the food supply, cosmetics, and suitable for trasesterificação, generation process biodiesel oils, depending on the species of algae to be cultivated;
- agribusiness Tailings the Northeast, for example, reject the cashew that oil for cosmetic purposes and the remainder sent to the organic fermentation process for the production of fertilizers, biogas and CO2 can be extracted. productive this cycle inputs are the sun, unused water wells and organic waste coming from agribusiness and even urban waste, generating useful products to solve the problem of energy, global warming and even food.
A great deal of research on oils from algae and microalgae are used in the manufacture of biodiesel, especially Dr Maria Odette UFC, Institute of Marine Sciences (LABOMAR), which proves the possibility.
The issue here is the extensive creation where contamination and growth of unwanted elements compete with the crop, so algae resistant, easy handling and low operating cost for the feasibility of the process should be developed.
We found extensive research being done in the United States and Argentina (Patagonia region), which seeks financial technical feasibility, but n both cases there is an extreme change in temperature in the deserts of New Mexico and Southern South America, with little water is available.
Extensive crops of algae require low cost areas that do not compete with existing crops.
In all these conditions the semi-arid regions have large advantages over other countries that are far from the equator.
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