quarta-feira, 30 de abril de 2014

Fwd: Special Issue of JBA with 16th IBS best papers

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From: IBS 2014 - Info <info@ibs2014.org>
Date: Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 12:15 PM
Subject: Special Issue of JBA with 16th IBS best papers
To: adelaide@eq.ufrj.br, roberto.smith@adece.ce.gov.br, horst.friedrich@dlr.de, levi.barros@embrapa.br, jcaraujo@ufc.br, sueli@ufc.br, fatimasa@cenargen.embrapa.br, ftorres@unb.br, efontes@salk.edu, dario.grattapaglia@embrapa.br, sandro@neuro.ufrn.br, zulmira@unb.br, zeluiz@hotlink.com.br, tbgrangeiro@gmail.com, marlos@cnpat.embrapa.br, vicente.freitas@uece.br, chaloub@iq.ufrj.br, breno@ufc.br, geraldo.u.berger@monsanto.com, o@embrapa.br, alberto@labomar.ufc.br, jcmdcarv@usp.br, pannirbr@gmail.com, pedro_mesquita@uol.com.br, glaupast@fea.unicamp.br, selene@uece.br, suetonio@ufc.br, oller@usp.br, marilda@pqi.ep.usp.br, elba1996@iq.ufrj.br, soccol@ufpr.br, mtavares@unimep.br, pessoajr@usp.br, ginav@petrobras.com.br, chinalia@hotmail.com, cpessoa@ufc.br, taniaaj@ioc.fiocruz.br, luis.andrade@unifesp.br, bolzaniv@iq.unesp.br, msueli@unb.br, msueliunb@gmail.com, bloch.carlos@gmail.com, warterra@iq.usp.br, trevisan@ufc.br, gadelha@fiocruz.br, susaid@usp.br, ebahruth@finep.gov.br, cmota@iq.ufrj.br, suzana@eq.ufrj.br, gustavo@cnpat.embrapa.br, nei@eq.ufrj.br, isaias@reitoria.unicamp.br, darvenne@unb.br, aandrico@if.sc.usp.br, paulo.coutinho@braskem.com.br, lucia.appel@gmail.com, lleite@petrobras.com.br, cesar@ufpe.br, carlos.aguiar@fibria.com.br, christe@eq.ufrj.br, ggomes@bndes.gov.br, pseidl@eq.ufrj.br, pegler@unb.br, yanko.xavier@gmail.com, fatima.ludovico@gmail.com, carlos@anpei.org.br, boechat@fdc.org.br, ricardo@anpei.org.br, mbarros@finep.gov.br, cin@sfiec.org.br, sergio@fieac.org.br, ezfa@ufv.br, propriedadeintelectual@ufv.br, eduardo@sfiec.org.br, vitor@eq.ufrj.br, caetano@eq.ufrj.br, fcatavar@esalq.usp.br, fernagal@iqm.unicamp.br, alvaro@schocair.com.br, plenz@renorbio.org.br, paulalenzcostalima@gmail.com

Important Notification for Scientists, Researchers, Executives and Young Scientists



In accordance with Dr. Murray Moo-Young, the Executive Editor of the Journal on Biotechnology Advances (JBA), it was proposed to organize a special issue entitled:


                                  BIOECONOMY and BIOTECHNOLOGY


 We are glad to invite you to contribute to this Special Edition focusing on the socio-economic benefits for Agriculture, Health and Industry. All papers presented during the 16thIBS2014 will be most welcome. Selected papers by the International Scientific Committee will be published on the Journal of Biotechnology Advances (JBA).The impact factor of JBA is 9.599; this is the highest rank of the 157 English biotech-related journals.

More information on the site: www.elsevier.com/locate/biotechadv


In this context, the 16thIBS2014 will be both a scientific and economic reference for Latin America, due to its large biodiversity, in terms of plants and animals, and its tropical characteristics. In the website www.ibs2014.org, are specified the sessions and their related topics. It is relevant to direct the scientific contributions to the generation of a societal knowledge connected to the development of biotechnology and its regulatory marks. 


Counting on your collaboration,

Professor Dr. José Osvaldo Beserra Carioca

Chairman of the 16thIBS2014

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