sábado, 29 de março de 2014

biogas purrification


UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ, Faculty of Mathematics and Science 
Department of Biological and Environmental Science 
Warren, Katie: Techno-economic comparison of biogas upgrading 
technologies in Europe 
Master of Science Thesis: 44 p. + appendices 13 p. 
Supervisors: University Lecturer Prasad Kaparaju, University Lecturer 
Saija Rasi 
August 2012 
Key Words: biogas cleaning, biogas upgrading, bio-methane, Europe, Finland, Germany, 
Biogas can be cleaned and upgraded to be used as a vehicle fuel, injection into the gas grid, 
heat and power generation. The carbon dioxide removed from the process can be used be 
utilized by industry. The main biogas upgrading technologies in Europe are Pressure 
Swing Adsorption and Water Scrubbing. The first objective is to compare the economics 
of small, medium and large scale biogas upgrading plants in Europe. The second objective 
is to evaluate the technical feasibility of small scale biogas upgrading in Europe. This 
study used a self-designed questionnaire which is sent to biogas plant owners/operators. 
The questionnaire aims to assess the technical issues, process conditions, biogas 
production, the upgrading system, energy use and economics. It also included an in-depth 
literature review. 
It was evaluated that the economies of scale favour larger biogas plants where the desired 
scale should be between 500 and 1,400 Nm3
/hour of raw biogas. It is also not economically 
feasible for biogas plant smaller than 150 Nm3
/hour to injection into the grid or for 
commercial fuel stations. However, small scale biogas upgrading can be used to locally 
within small communities to heat, electric and vehicle farm which could be for example 
used on farm scale locations. The economics for smaller plants had much higher specific 
costs that the larger biogas upgrading plants. The economies of scale therefore, show that 
the larger plants are favoured for producing higher quality gas, lower methane loses, higher 
plant efficiency and higher profitability. The profit per Nm3 of upgraded biogas should be 
around 0.35-0.45 € to achiever the payback time of 5 years with small scale plants. This 
means that the cost price for biogas upgrading for small scale plants should be less than 
0.20-0.30 €/ Nm3

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