Coconut oil as fruit medicine
If you pay attention to health news, you know that coconut oil has been getting well-deserved attention in recent years, with even shows like Dr Oz talking about the numerous health benefits of coconut oil.
We'll talk about some of the benefits today and also how to choose properly...
The Top 10 Reasons Why Coconut Oil Should Be In Your DAILY Diet
1. Coconut Oil Contains a Unique Combination of Fatty Acids With Powerful Medicinal Properties.
2. Populations That Eat a LOT of Coconut Are Among The Healthiest People on The Planet.
3. Coconut Oil Can Increase Your Energy Expenditure, Helping You Burn More Fat.
4. The Lauric Acid in Coconut Oil can help fight infections and boost your immune system.
5. Coconut Oil has a satiating effect on your appetite, so even though you ate more fat from the addition of coconut oil, you end up being automatically less hungry later, helping to control your overall caloric intake.
6. The Fatty Acids in Coconut Oil help to increase ketones in the body which can be useful for reducing seizures and also beneficial in treating Alzheimer's Disease.
7. Coconut Oil can improve your ratio of HDL to LDL and decrease your risk of heart disease.
8. Coconut Oil Can Protect Hair Against Damage and Moisturize Your Skin.
9. The Fatty Acids in Coconut Oil Can Boost Brain Function in Healthy people & in Alzheimer's Patients.
10. Coconut Oil can help you lose fat through metabolic efficiency, especially the dangerous visceral fat in your abdominal cavity.
As you can see, this stuff is downright magical for your health.
But there is one problem…
Not all coconut oil is created equal. In fact, if the oil is created the wrong way, many of the benefits become destroyed.
We'll explore more details in tomorrow's article, but a few important things to look for are "virgin" and organic, because you want to avoid the pesticides and other chemicals that can be found in non-organic versions. Also, you want to avoid the hexane residue (a petroleum chemical) that's found in some non-organic chemical extraction types of coconut oil.
I just recently heard from a friend about a brand new type of coconut oil called Thera Vita Paradise that is virgin, organic, and even comes from a very "Green" manufacturing facility that re-uses the coconut husks, shells and old coconut trees to power the factory, the lights, and even the workers homes.
All parts of the coconut are recycled and no diesel fuel is used. I really think this is an awesome company not only because of the quality of the coconut oil, but also the fact they recycle and re-use all parts of the coconut for beneficial purposes and reduction of burning fossil fuels.
This brand new Thera Vita Paradise coconut oil is ONLY sold on
One of my friends found out about a 50% off coupon code for 1st time buyers to stock up. The 50% discount code needs to be typed in on checkout.
The coupon code at checkout is: COCO1234 (I'm not 100% sure that the coupon code didn't expire yet, but I heard it was still active as of today)
Enjoy the great taste and great health benefits! I'll be back in a day or two with more information about coconut oil.
Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
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