domingo, 7 de julho de 2013

Food vs Fuel Problem In Tamil nadu Nadu need especail task force to deal with

Dear and respected Venugopal sir 

Vanakam , Nalam 

Sorry for my late englsh  reply , very soon may be i sen my tamil voice reply 

On 05/12/13 6:56 PM, venugopal Arunachalam wrote:
Dear and respected venugopal sir 

we are not only educated eng ,scientists , but also     
social engineers , Your deep thinking of the problems make me awake .Surely this complex crucial problem of small agricultural people of my family  , many more  in India ,see the  suicide is also often theer india of the poor farmers . We surely can not leave also all this complex problems in the hand of few poitical people alone , as they are not realy social innovative entrepruners , but become power hungry , not bothered about people real problems .we need people protest  for this problems.

I am deeply involved . moved   by  the food , water  crysis  of ourb birth placees  OF TN,  with when one  poor dalit , weeping requested my land divided afer death of father to plant rice to eat , survive as olden time , but my mother , brother against me plannting sugar cane .I realy began fighting my younger brither destroying trees , i plianted , using tractor , many poor get lost jobs ,yet he got the best president of rural villages based on political paraty dividing the village .We need unity among all tamil, villagers  as village is not city .

From that time i have been deeply thinking this food vs fuel problems, the real conflicts rural energy food , how to act

Now i am in dry semi arid land , how , whst people eat give us the solutions .thank you for your well formulated problems as we engineers recive problems very ill formed .YOU MADE WELL  THE  REAL PROBLEM  as follow 

Problem  defined 

A few months ago, i was in Kumbakonam, they said the rice they are buying from Karnataka, state, the rice bowl of Tanjavour and neighboring town became dry due to lack of rain and the dispute between Karnataka & Tamil Naud in sharing the Cauvery water resulted in no water to TN.

Under these circumstances, the cost of rice has shoot up to UDS 1 and more ( $-54INR)
What is your suggestion. Pl tell me some good project from your experiences which will help the Indian people to solve the food problem. the center govt now is highly corrupt and all ministers either at state or center are having own company and resulting in corruption every where, common people are suffering a lot.
God only can save India, at the time of election , the poor people vote for liquor and how come we can expect good govt , 

    well wriitem word  from  venugopal  sir 

we  need not  keep , god can not help lazy people , people who sucide ,

Pl keep in touch with me by exchanging mail. i will reply you to your all mails-pl convey my best wishes to your family and children-venogoplakl wrote about the probelm 

 we  are the world , we can solve , we can join , we can pray for unity among diversity 

    Solution to the problems 

I  have my close friend  from Karnataka   Rajesh S.k  , we   are  elite      IIT   made scholar , now doing  pos dr  about biomass and bio energy in Norway . He is very  bothered about how  we  can solve rural food , energy talking half an hour daily via google hangeout  4 times per week No body plant in india  , but destroy  the forest wheer water uused to be produced.We  wish to make possible 1 million moringa , other oilm  seed forest , makpossible wayer , biodiesel protein , as this can pay back for one who invest in hilly dry areas 

see our projet details 

  we plan to make agroforest , using moringa macubua oikl plants , in hillly areas of karnataka , as sedi moringa grows fast reduce erosao , we can signifivantly improve  water  fal in karnataka .

   Instead going to court , our state government  , ong need plan to do so very less investment  compred to get water from swage etc 
 Nature is our mother.

\\if rice is 54 in chennai , will also affect karanataka  , as we are nearby ,neighbour too .

There is new tecnology using micro alga  , reduce water losses , dry land rices.
we nedd to go far variety for less water .

 some small farmer from north is doing inovation got the higest produtivity with less water .

it is also posible to make integrated ponds  to make micro alga , shrimps , fish along withn ferri irrigations .

our students make projects ,

   every 1a pond systems can  help make 4 ha  fertirrigation of rice. in 2 ha it may be posible to get 4 tons of fidh and  4 ton of  shrimps , using solar boiomass energy ,Rajesh is making calculations , design along with us .This can be good soltions ,

we need some poliverse  crop rottaed , modern organic farms groudn=nuts ,seasame , cassava  soyabeans , biodeisel,pirobiogas  for agro energy as alternate short time  to get food,feed and fuel for animal feed  integrated farms , integraed aqua culure to rice , integared  agroforest system 

we are doing work on many projects  orgaanic biscoits ,these crops do not need muvh water , can be done dry to enrich soil , crop roation  we call thsi made  Ecological biosystem , imitating the natural ecosystems  xoing sime system engineerings 

Finaly we also do innovation to find ecobusines , zero emissao , clean  tech  to make wealth and heal for all   fombiomass and biomass  waste from  diverso   all this crop system   wirh total utilizarion of all biomass components

we need more fiber to eat  , this can be done cassava fiber multimiture/  we have bot done   uppuma from this  as well bean starch , thus posible  to sustuite rice starch  , replace  signifivantly  the rice   to  make the  idly and dosa  via green chemical route.

 some white beans have both strarch and proteins  , we made posible idly and dosa with very less rice .\white bens can b good alterante as thsi one is like pur avarai kai. we make good nutrius biscoite from all this  less water consuming starch .

BRAZILIAN SIMPLE TECH TO  AKE FIBRAS STARCH CAN BE IMPOTRTED , rather than import rice too , as THE world IS  globalised one .

FOOD  PROBLEM  is not local , as already  multinacional enter every wheer , make money , even india allow investments .

Let us join google hangout  to work on this problem jointly  weelkyy one 

My many indian friend like can alos hellp usto  make this project  reality  to be very green for food fuel ,feed  from biomass as well as biomass waste , agroforests 
see how  can make thism possible 

yours truely 

Pannirselvam ,P,V 


Research Group ,GPEC, Coordinator
Computer aided  Cost engineering

DEQ – Departamento de Engenharia Química
CT – Centro de Tecnologia / UFRN, Lagoa Nova – Natal/RN
Campus Universitário. CEP: 59.072-970
North East,Brazil

Project, Projetos:
Biodata, CV :
Blog Project, Projetos: 
Newsletts, Jornal: 
On line space simulation and modeling of ecobusiness,
Espaço Simulação e Modelagem de Econegócios on line 

Twitter - @ufrngpec
           - @pannirbr

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