segunda-feira, 3 de novembro de 2014

Integrating Biogas, Confined Feedlot Operations and Ethanol Production

Integrating Biogas, Confined Feedlot Operations and Ethanol Production

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Integrating Biogas, Confined Feedlot Operations and Ethanol Production

Alberta has many agricultural operations, and all of them generate various types of organic wastes. These organic wastes require proper handling to reduce pollution and contamination. Using anaerobic digesters to process these organic wastes appears to be an attractive option since the anaerobic digestion process can stabilize biologically active organic wastes and produce biogas.

Biogas may also be called renewable natural gas because biogas can be used as a fuel source to produce electricity and heat like natural gas. Given the number of clusters of agricultural operations in Alberta, there may be a potential to integrate biogas plants with other operations.

This factsheet explores an integrated system consisting of an ethanol manufacturing facility, a confined feedlot operation (CFO) and a biogas plant. It is well known that the demand for ethanol-blended fuels is growing since replacing fossil fuel usage with renewable fuel remains a top environmental challenge.

At least two integrated systems similar to the above-mentioned concept have either been built or are being built in North America. Therefore, the following sections briefly describe these integrated systems with flow diagrams including the energy requirement (biogas volume) and a hypothetical calculation.

Anaerobic Digestion

At least five anaerobic digesters are in use for processing agricultural wastes in Alberta. Anaerobic digestion is a naturally occurring process through which organic matter such as manure, feed spills, meat processing wastes and crop residues are stabilized by micro-organisms strictly in the absence of air. During this process, some organic compounds are converted to methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) gases. This mixture of gases is known as biogas. The composition of biogas is 50 to 75 per cent CH4 and 25 to 45 per cent CO2.

Like natural gas, biogas can also be used as a fuel in power generators, engines, boilers and burners. In practice, specially designed and insulated tanks are used to facilitate the anaerobic digestion process under a controlled atmosphere. These tanks are known as anaerobic digesters.

The effluent coming out of the digester after the completion of this process is known as digestate. Digestate has nutrient value and can be applied to the land like manure. Digestate also has much less odour compared to stored manure.

Ethanol Production

In North America, most commercial ethanol is produced by fermenting starch containing grain such as wheat, barley and corn. However, wheat and triticale have the best potential for producing ethanol in Alberta. A mass flow diagram of this process is shown in Figure 1. Since wheat and triticale have almost the same ethanol yield, their production requirements are assumed to be the same in this factsheet.

Figure 1. Ethanol production from wheat/triticale.

Figure 1. Ethanol production from wheat/triticale.

Actual ethanol production has three steps:

  • feed preparation
  • fermentation
  • distillation
In the feed preparation step, the feedstock is subjected to grinding, the addition of water, heating and the addition of enzymes to hydrolyse the starch. The product that comes out of this step is known as mash.

The next step is fermentation. During the fermentation process, enzymes break down protein and starch into sugar and then yeasts, single celled living organisms that convert most of the sugar compounds into ethanol and CO2. The fermentation process releases a considerable amount of CO2. The fermented liquor containing alcohol is known as beer. Beer has an ethanol concentration of between 9 to 14 per cent.

As ethanol has a lower boiling point than beer, ethanol is separated using the distillation step. The separated ethanol mixture is 95 per cent ethanol and 5 per cent water. This 95 per cent ethanol is then dehydrated to 99.7 per cent ethanol and denatured by adding 2 to 5 per cent gasoline. The beer coming out after the distillation step is known as whole stillage or distiller’s grain.

Confined Feeding Operations (CFOs)

There are 34,625 cattle ranching and farming operators and 5.7 million cattle in Alberta. This large number of CFOs produces a large quantity of manure, which is a cause for concern and often limits opportunities to expand an operation. Large CFOs are good candidates for integrated opportunities as they require a considerable quantity of grains and roughages, and distiller’s grain can replace some of this feed requirement.

Rationale for the Integrated System

Anaerobic digesters can process a large quantity of manure from CFOs and produce biogas, which is a renewable energy source. Ethanol plants are often located near agricultural operations as the feedstock for ethanol production is mostly from grains such as corn, wheat and barley. Energy intensive ethanol production could use biogas “renewable energy” to meet its energy demand if the ethanol and biogas plants were located close to each other.

Ethanol production produces a large amount of whole stillage as a by-product, which has dry matter to 12 to 14 per cent. Centrifuging the stillage can concentrate the solids to 30 to 35 per cent dry matter to produce wet distiller’s grain. These wet solids are a valuable source of protein for cattle and can replace about 20 to 40 per cent of the cattle’s feed intake.

The remaining liquor after centrifuging is known as thin stillage. Thin stillage may have up to 7 per cent organic matter in the form of suspended and dissolved solids and can be fed to anaerobic digesters to enhance biogas production. The wet distiller grain has a shorter shelf life. Drying this material will be expensive. Alternatively, it may be fed to cattle in nearby feedlots without drying.

Ethanol blended with gasoline is sold as fuel for automobiles to reduce emissions and fossil fuel consumption. The ethanol manufacturing process also releases CO2, which can be trapped and sold to other industries. A schematic diagram of the components of a similar integrated system is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of an integrated system consisting of an ethanol plant, CFO, grain farm and biogas plant.

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of an integrated system consisting of an ethanol plant, CFO, grain farm and biogas plant.

The following equations are necessary in determining the feasibility of this integrated system.

Confined feeding operation
1 beef animal =
8.8 tonnes of manure (8 - 12 per cent solids)/year
1 dairy animal =
22.6 tonnes of manure (12 per cent solids)/year
Grain feed requirement for beef cattle =
0.90 tonne/animal/year
Grain feed requirement for dairy cattle =
2.05 tonne/animal/year
Biogas plant
1 tonne of beef manure (8 - 12 per cent solids) =
46 m3 of biogas + digestate for land application
1 tonne of dairy manure (12 per cent solids) =
32 m3 of biogas + digestate for land application
1 tonne thin stillage (7 percent organic content) =
48 m3 of biogas + digestate for land application
1 m3 of biogas =
20 MJ or 1.7 kWh and 7.7 MJ when used as fuel in a co-generator

Example calculation
Determining the quantity of wheat, energy and feedstock material for a biogas plant to produce 25 million litres of ethanol in a year:

a. Grain requirement
Ethanol yield from 1 tonne of wheat = 366 L of ethanol
Quantity of wheat required to produce 25 million litres of ethanol = 25,000,000/366
      = 68,306 tonne
b. Biogas needed
Amount of biogas needed to process 68,306 tonne of wheat = 68,306 x 237 m3
      = 16,188,525 m3
c. Distiller grain produced
The amount of whole stillage produced = 68,306 x 0.43
      = 29,372 tonne (dry)
d. Biogas potential of thin stillage
25 per cent of the whole stillage is thin stillage
The quantity of dry thin stillage = 29,372 x 0.25
      = 7,343 tonne (dry)
Thin stillage may contain up to 7 per cent solids
Quantity of thin stillage liquor = 7,343/0.07
      = 104,899 tonne
The biogas potential of the fermented thin stillage liquor is = 104,899 x 48
      = 5,035,129 m3
e. Size of the feedlot
The balance biogas quantity required from cattle manure is
      = 16,188,525 - 5,035,129
      = 11,153,396 m3
Size of the feedlot = 11,153,396/46/8.8
      27,673 head operation
  1. Density of ethanol is 790 kg/m3.
  2. Up to 25 per cent of the total distiller’s grain (whole stillage) is thin stillage, and thin stillage usually has up to 7 per cent solids.
  3. 20 to 40 percent of the total cattle feed requirement may be replaced with the distiller’s grain.
  4. Plant material may be used to maximize the biogas production like the addition of thin stillage in the anaerobic digesters.
f. Cattle feed replacement and excess distiller’s grain for selling
Amount of distiller grain available as cattle feed
      = 29,372 – 7,343
      = 22,029 tonne
Beef grain requirement = 897 kg /beef
Grain feed requirement for 27,673 beef cattle
      = 27,673 x 0.897
      = 24,823 tonnes (dry)
Distiller grain can replace at least 20 per cent of the cattle grain feed = 24,823 x 0.2
      = 4,965 tonne (dry)
The maximum excess amount of distiller grain for selling = 22,029 - 4,965
      = 17,064 tonne (dry)
g. CO2 production
The amount of CO2 produced = 68,306 x 0.28
      = 19,126 tonne

The requirement for large quantities of grains should not be underestimated. For example, 68,300 tonnes of wheat is needed to produce 25 million litres of ethanol, which is approximately 1 per cent of the total wheat production in the province. Ethanol manufacturing produces a large amount of distiller’s grain as by-product. Finding a market for the distiller’s grain will improve the economics of ethanol production. If not, handling the excess distiller’s grain can be expensive. However, integrated systems often have the advantage of using the by-product of one operation as the feedstock for another operation.

For additional information, check the following documents:
Biogas Energy Potential in Alberta, Agdex 768-3
Biogas Distribution – Rural Utilities Division of Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development
Incentives for biogas production – Alberta Bioenergy Producer

Prepared by
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development
Mahendran Navaratnasamy, Lawrence Papworth – Agriculture Stewardship Division
James Jones – Bio-Industrial Development

Source: Agdex 768-4. Revised October 2008.

For more information about the content of this document, contact Duke.
This information published to the web on December 1, 2007. 
Last Reviewed/Revised on October 1, 2008.

Integrating Biogas, Confined Feedlot Operations and Ethanol Production

Brazilian clean technology solar biogas integrated microalgae bioeconomy project
origional  copy right
Solar Collectors
This process has a great synergy between its elements, respecting the environment with waste treatment and giving prime destination for each element. This is not a process improvement, but the junction of four in a single production adapted to the reality of the Northeast and has not yet been done, but that can be fully applicable to the reality of semi-arid process systems.

Production with Clean Energy

General aspects 
The PP Bio is a process that has the cultivation of microalgae as a primary product, associating several clean to form a complete system sustainable and environmentally friendly energy technologies.
Seaweed and algae are aquatic plants that live in seawater, freshwater or brackish, abundant in much of the Northeast, which perform photosynthesis and capture CO2 from the atmosphere, consuming mineral water and generating organic material. These essential oils are extracted for industries of food, drugs and cosmetics, still leaving an organic byproduct that is generated in a biogas digester, mixing of CO2 and CH4.
These gases are in trouble for the issue of global warming. However, CH4 is a fuel with high calorific value and can be applied as compressed natural gas (CNG) technology developed and used in the market.
Many areas in the Northeast do not yet have distribution of CNG because of the pipe network to be extremely expensive to serve populations with low purchasing power.
Hundreds of organic wastes ranging from urban waste from agribusinesses to leaf and fruit crops rot in the environment generating primarily CO2 and CH4, villains of global warming.
It is possible to draw a parallel with cashew, which does not take advantage of the stalk that can be used for the extraction of essences and the remainder is also used in the production of biogas.
The gases generated in a digester can be separated through a scrubbing tower where the CO2 is absorbed and released CH4, which can be used in the generation of electricity by burning in a boiler or a power generator. This new CO2 is returned to create creation of microalgae, which no longer exist emission of harmful gases.
In turn, the sun may be used for heating processes of oil extraction as well as in part of desalination process water without the need for burning organic fuel production, thereby increasing the energy efficiency of the system.
Many algae and microalgae oils are high price in domestic and international markets such as beta-carotene, with high antioxidant power, vitamin B-12 and many others.
The cultivation of microalgae is widely studied outside of Brazil, and there are plans to produce biodiesel oil being processed in Argentina (Patagonia), USA, Israel, Australia, and other countries.
Some Brazilian universities have conducted research in this area, but until then, there is no cultivation of industrial form in semiarid full.
Several surveys indicate that areas of twelve to fifty times smaller are necessary in the cultivation of microalgae for the production of oil, compared to production of castor.Only your initial investment is higher, considering the preparation of breeding. However, when considering carbon sequestration, the process becomes feasible.
There are hundreds of microalgae can be grown in abundant brackish waters of the backwoods of each species and different ingredients are extracted with high added value.
Some are made of up to 80% of their body weight in oil, if the market fails to have high value, fit to be inserted in the biodiesel production chain, where we developed a species adapted to the region and the extraction process suitable for the same .
The PP Bio aims to promote the paths to a technique that will make economically viable processes of enterprises and municipalities, pointing to a new supply chain, considering abundant supplies in the Northeast region as the land, brackish water, and sunlight. But critics point until it reaches its feasibility, are the development of species of microalgae adapted to the reality of the Northeast and the discovery of methods of bacteriological control to achieve a status of optimal growth and economic viability.
Introduction to Bio PP
Find the best species of microalgae adapted to the interior, with the greatest market viability, is one of the goals of this project.
In the production chain of cashew found a tailing almond nut used for animal feed. In this case, the supply chain could be changed for the extraction of noble oil effluents, with subsequent feeding of animals, where the excrement of them are used for digestion, generating the value chain with the extraction of oil.
The digestion is a biochemical process where organic no commercial value, such as leaves, animal manure solids from wastewater treatment and agro industrial waste materials can be digested generating on average 4% of the original mass of biogas that has 60% CH4. The remainder of the original mass can be used as organic fertilizer.
Gas separation
The separation of gases is done in a tower where the biogas is introduced from the bottom and propelled into contact with the water, against the current that, under certain conditions, absorbs CO2 instead of CH4. This in turn is released from the top of the tower. The CH4 is then treated and used in compression to convey biogas (CNG) or electricity generation. The CO2 is used in solution with a nutrient cultivation of microalgae, mixing by dispersing the breeding designed for this purpose.
Cultivation of microalgae
Microalgae consume CO2, carbon source, and have an average of 22% in this composition, and for each pound of live cultivated microalgae, is absorbed approximately 0.8 kg of CO2, 0.6 kg O2 releasing to the atmosphere where 30% to 80% of the living mass becomes oils, depending on the type of algae, the active may be separated with higher added value.
To understand the numbers, it means that on a hectare of planting microalgae will have an average yield of 5.5 ton / month of dry microalgae, generating 2.5 tons of special oils considering algae with 40% oil. However, you can get up to 80%, absorbing 4.4 ton of CO2 release of 3.3 tons of oxygen to the atmosphere, which produces 3.3 tons of organic material. In the digester, if not used for animal feed, it generates 3.0 tons of organic fertilizer and 50 kg of CO2 and 80 Nm³ CH4 gas. Here we use smaller numbers, concluding that there is much room for the development of the process.
Bio PP, The Union of Processes
The focus of Bio PP is the union of systems of cultivation of microalgae, biodigester, gas separation and oil extraction system with the generation of various products adapted to the reality of semi-arid tower.
The application of this knowledge generates the operation of a new supply chain, overriding environmental, social and energy issues. Here we find the feasibility of obtaining a supply chain facing the northeastern hinterland, with the cultivation of microalgae adapted to the region. The goal is to produce useful, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and others with the absorption of CO2 from any source to generate this gas industries of food supplies.
In this case, a digester is used in the production of biogas or CNG. The source of the organic material may be multiple, including stems and leaves of the castor bean plant, enabling the production cost of biodiesel through these sources. Waste of food or leftover treated wastewater industry are also used.
The PP Bio focuses its attention on the formation of a nursery in the city of microalgae Paudalho - PE where the research is done for ever deeper knowledge semilaboratorial scale, obtaining data for the pilot project to be developed in the backcountry.
The project is divided into two phases, the first being called incubators Microalgae, lasting eighteen months. The second phase is the implementation of the Pilot Project, which developed the solar power as an energy alternative heating in oil extraction from microalgae. See the flowchart below:
As well as practical application of stem and leaves mamoneiro for biogas generation and utilization of CO2 from various sources for growing algae and microalgae, are unknown does not exist in Brazil the cultivation of microalgae for biodiesel with dissolution CO2, which prevents the increase in growth rate thereof.
Another process that is not known is the pilot-scale extraction of essential oils from algae or reject the use of microalgae after extraction of active elements in the generation of biogas digesters on or use of this waste in animal husbandry, with their feces being used to generate environmentally friendly fuel.
The environments used as the waters of brackish lagoons do not have commercial use in a wide area of ​​territory. Even if it is executed in artificial ponds, the use of land will be dry regions and low value.
The Bio PP has a great synergy between its elements, respecting the environment with waste treatment and giving prime destination for each element.
This is not a process improvement, but the junction of four in a single production adapted to the reality of the Northeast and has not yet been done, but that can be fully applicable to the reality of semi-arid process systems.
If we join cane bagasse as raw material, waste or even cashew plantation of castor, where the stems and leaves are completely neglected, can be removed much more energy, enabling economically biodiesel from castor, which today is only feasible with strong fiscal incentive.
The inputs in this production cycle are the sun, the water not used for inactive wells and organic waste coming from agribusiness and urban waste. These items generate useful products to solve the problem of energy, global warming and food.
New forms of carbon sequestration are also global and emerging needs of the First World, eager for consistent and feasible projects.
Using a land of semiarid Northeast, will be deployed a Research and Development with the construction of a pilot plant, uniting all processes: the cultivation of microalgae, digestion, separation of gases, electric generators small through the wind process, vegetable oil extraction from algae, organic from agribusiness, agricultural and urban wastes, biogas purification unit and extracts generated on current technology.      
Among the many advantages of Bio PP, we can highlight: 
- the use of dry lands and brackish water of the northeastern semi-arid region for the production of inputs; 
- the double carbon sequestration in the cultivation of microalgae fermentation process and biogas; 
- the production of carrier gas, without impact on global warming, 
- generating inputs food, cosmetic and suitable for the transesterification process of generating biodiesel oils, depending upon the kind of microalgae to be cultured; 
- the use of agro-industrial wastes Northeast as the cashew nut, castor bean, leather and footwear industry and slaughterhouses, which could be handled in useful elements for agriculture.
Final Thoughts
The project unites Bio PP and other processes known in development as the cultivation of microalgae, adding greater value than the separate processes, creating multiple sources of income and enabling the whole production chain. 
With the support of FINEP, the FACEPE and other companies, the PP Bio is an alternative to the Northeast, with the possibility of new ways to north-eastern man, adding environmental solutions that will certainly overcome the problem of degradation by generating Power and useful inputs.
If the PP Bio is applied intensively, may contribute as a new energy model for Brazil and other regions of the world.

Extant requerida: PI 0704811-0 of 11/06/2007.

Braziian solar bio innovation claeff Norteast Brazil

Analysis of the problem
Populations such as those in the coastal and hinterland Amazon caatinga have usually lived in the plant extraction mainly from the extraction of vegetable or essential oils for their extraction require heat today comes from deforestation. Typically lack electricity or when they have to rely on expensive fossil fuel.
Another important point for the technology is transforming emconcentradores industrial roofs with solar rays heat generation at high temperature and electricity simultaneously thereby reducing the emission of CO2 which exacerbates the issue of global warming, reducing dependence on foreign energy.
 The solar energy to produce electricity and heat simultaneously is the focus of our development that aims to build a pickup of low-cost solar energy for multiple applications and dual function. Known are two major technologies for capturing solar energy.
One is the PV, which slabs of silicon or other material absorbs energy from light so turning directly into electrical energy without absorbing a portion of the light which turns into heat.
Another is that transforms heat as much as possible light energy into heat energy in a black body, thereby heating a fluid such as water, oil, air or salts and thus this energy could be used in a turbine for electricity generation or heating systems industrial, residential as the shower, etc.
In the photovoltaic solar rays fall directly on the silicon plates which absorb light generated within the cell a potential difference produces a continuous electrical current. One of the problems of this system is currently the cost of the plates that have made impossible their use on a large scale, generating electricity in much higher than the conventional with the loss of radiative energy transformed into heat cost.
In heating water or other fluid captured directly from the sun turning sunlight into heating system, already widely used, low-cost, one can notice a lot in homes for heating water for shower and others.
Although simple, the municipality of São Paulo system began requiring a municipal law that new homes have solar heating system, which has a capacity to heat water up to 55 ° C.
Industrial and agro-industrial processes typically require temperatures between 80 and 120 ° C, outside, so this technology. In this system the diffuse light and incident radiation is absorbed, but with varying angles depending on the sun position, showing also low efficiency, since capture is also dependent on the angle of incidence of sunlight varies in the daytime.
Are not widespread solar heating systems with concentrators of solar rays to midsize facilities, except for small systems called solar cooker, but this is not meant to be energy efficient, but only to fulfill the function of baking food or water heating.
Nowadays you can make sunlight concentrators with automatic positioning always getting the sun's rays into proper position with maximum efficiency, with a low cost and with very simple mechanisms with low power consumption proportional to the energy captured.
Capture solar energy systems for concentration of large rays are few in operation worldwide and are generating power at a cost that is only now with the high cost of oil starts to become viable.
Within the field of solar concentrators few rays evolutionary ideas are observed to decrease the cost of generation of electricity or heat from solar energy, except those listed in manufacturers of photovoltaic cells to improve efficiency and cost reduction manufacturing the same.
In the heating of water by absorbing plates without concentrating systems, is obtained, for example, the maximum hot water temperature between 55 to 65 ° C, thus becomes a limited either technique when temperatures ranging from 80 to 120 ° C for the process.
Now dominate electric heaters with firewood consumption, oil or gas, all with impact acclimatise in CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, when you want higher temperatures and in this case the sunlight concentrators meet this need without any power consumption.
Systems that produce water or other fluid at temperatures close to or higher than 100 ° C reduces the investment hot water reservoirs, as higher energy as heat is concentrated into smaller volumes of fluid mass. The hot water or other fluid can be stored for up to 48 hours without having large investments when stocks higher temperatures.
Moreover photovoltaics good quality support higher concentrations of light intensity, which was observed in our studies, thus generating greater amounts of electricity, but there is a limit of maximum temperature for this generation efficiency and how much focus the sun's rays on This heats the cell at temperatures 200 ° C acimade thus losing its ability to generate current.
The removal of heat to photovoltaic cells when working at temperatures above 90 ° C is essential to maintain the efficiency of the power generation process.
Technical proposal
We propose here the development of electricity generation by photovoltaic cells in concentrator solar rays, with simultaneous use of the heat diffusion process on the cells where the cooling fluid of the same, keeping the optimum working temperature and generating hot fluid useful in some industrial process heating, agribusiness, remote locations, clubs, farms, nurseries etc.
Proposition product and process
The proposed research project seeks technology, patents, designs for data installations of plants generating electricity and heat for industrial processes, agro-industries, clubs, hotels, and especially to meet the problem of energy and warmth to the riverside from Amazon and the backcountry of the savanna, without consuming fuel or cause emission of CO2.
With this plant for electricity generation, heat generation united for multiple applications such as industries, hotels, agribusinesses without fuel like coal, oil, gas etc. could be designed
Among the products that the company could commercialize this research would be the sale of technology, sale of plant design, plant construction for the sale of energy and heat to industries with sales of carbon credits, production of small generating plant to small industries, agribusiness, hotels, clubs, spas, farms etc, especially in remote locations.
Technical Advantages
 In the normal process of collecting solar energy in photovoltaic cells, part of the energy turns into heat and is not converted into electricity and is lost and the cost of the plates
PV are high as they are imported and the same support higher concentrations of light energy using solar concentrators that glass or other material costs would fall much plates.
Adding a solar boiler behind the cell waste heat in the cells would be availed with dual function of cooling the cells in maintaining optimum condition of use and heat up some fluid that would be used in processes such as heat.
Usually in industries there is a need of electricity and heat and heat is an important item in terms of cost to production processes, so this process would fit like a glove on the needs.
Environmental advantages
Currently consumes some heat to processoscomo LPG, oil, natural gas and others that with the replacement of heating the solar base implies the non-CO2 emissions and enabling the sale of carbon credits.
Generation and transmission of electricity involves environmental damage, with derepresas construction and use of areas for passing linhões and energy consumption and waste in the production of aluminum, in contrast to the generation at point of use energy primarily to regions of the northeastern hinterland where there is an abundance of sunshine.
Dual of electricity and heat in a single process where the catchment area of ​​electricity with less than conventional photovoltaics cost considering the total catchment area of ​​the equipment generating process.
The diffuse heat from the photovoltaic cells in concentrator ray procedure being used for heating processes.
Commercial advantages
The process generates water, hot air or oil with much higher temperatures than conventional plates to capture heat for heating residential showers, meeting the needs of other industrial applications or other applications.
Energy associated with heating available in remote less proportionate cost catchment area sites. No consumption of fossil fuels release CO2 into the atmosphere.Equipment installation and easy operation. Ability to store thermal energy and electrical energy in batteries and heated fluid tanks for later use. Less than other methods of capturing solar energy cost comparison.
Social Aspects
In the proposed process where the backbone of the pickups can be fabricated by a simple metal structure results in a new fitness industries small metal frame and providers of manpower regional assembly in a new supply chain services.
Relevance of the Project
The Brazil ceased to participate in the development of many high-tech supply chains for not fostering research in some areas and the production process of solar energy by photovoltaic cells is one of them. Currently this technology is in countries like USA, Germany, Japan and all solar pickups are imported.
A national technology with a patent (IP INPI required can decrease this delay in giving alternative solar energy chain tailored to the interior problem and the environmentally sound technical solutions.
With the rising price of fossil fuels the feasibility of new techniques is blunts, added care with no emission of gases that affect global warming. The technique described here is the truly revolutionary aspect of the union's use of electrical energy and heat while increasing process efficiency and compatible costs.
Project Goals
  • Get local technology to capture solar energy front making imported alternatives, that is adapted to regional needs.
  • Transform the technology required to commercially accepted process adapted to the market.
  • Survey of field data that enables future installation of medium and large.
  • Development solar technology proposed in the pickup showing technique, cost viability.
  • Development of the technique with additional patents record ensuring the entire chain within the technique.
  • Technical training involving this technology for the plant sale.
  • Contribute to framing companies in the eco-friendly system, with reduction of CO2 emissions, selling facilities and technology.
  • Ensure all records with the developed process.
  • Get product design to fit their production and sale.
Large companies have a strong focus on sustainability, social responsibility and environmental, with reduced power consumption programs with substitution processes of energy generation to renewable energy. The Northeast and Amazon have a multitude of communities without access to electricity generation projects where community heat and power are key to improving living standards.
A process that meets both requests with the ability to generate electricity and heat simultaneously for productive processes from a candy factory or heating inside the home of a petrochemical plant reducing manufacturing costs, is certainly desirable and attractive to the market mainly considering an environmentally friendly energy.
The costs of photovoltaic cells on an industrial roof generates little energy proportional needs of industry and investment costs and even then only the radiant energy is transformed into electricity, wasting heat energy that could be used.
The concentration of solar rays for a dual capture enables compliance costs, reducing the cost of photovoltaic cells. Thus the potential of the proposed process is very large considering all this market.
Market for the project
Many companies have to reduce power consumption and replacement processes of energy generation to renewable energy programs, as well as assistance to populations with insertion programs to supply chains and in this respect the proposed technology fits well in these cases.
As already mentioned, the Northeast and Amazon have a multitude of communities without access to electricity where community projects to generate power and heat are essential for the improvement of living standards.
Can also be used in industrial roofs with this system to capture heat generation industry for reducing the energy consumption a reduction in costs. There is a clear opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors in the acquisition of products, technology and equipment.