John Cosmo Dwelle, Landwärme "Vision 2050+ The Role of Biomethane in Decarbonized World" Harm Grobrügge, European Biogas Association "European markets outlook" Francesco Ometto, Scandinavian Biogas "Industrial symbiosis for advanced anaerobic digestion processes" Hans Peter Schmid, WS Reformer "On-site Steam Reforming of Biogas-the shortest path to green hydrogen" Peter Bjerregaard, E.ON "Power-to-X and the role of biogas" Havard Wollan, Biokraft "Liquefied biogas (LBG) - enabling green trucking and green shipping" Jonas C. Svendsen, Nature Energy "Maturing biogas industry – reducing the unit cost" Anil Thilsted, Spectro Inlets "Online analysis of dissolved gases directly in bioreactor liquid using a commercially available mass spectrometer" Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen, Aalborg University " Biogas production. Next move; How to go from 20mill TOE year 2020 to 80mill TOE 2030 in EU by using sustainable biomass. Where fits biogas best for the future in the energy sectors European wide." And many more... Panel discussions: Will the COVID-19 pandemic lead to changes in biogas markets? Policy Developments and the Green Deal The conference will set context for operator-driven technical presentations to deliver real value and actual case studies. Participating the event will give a chance to update on changes in global regulations as well as in regional policy considerations and requirements. Biogas PowerON 2020 attracts most knowledgeable experts and solution providers from the entire value chain to discuss about technical and commercial strategies for future biogas and renewable energy integration. |